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Peak Physical Therapy
Helping you every step of the way


Happy New Year from all of us at Peak Physical Therapy!

The Peak Physical Therapy team hopes that the holidays were enjoyable for you and we wish you health and happiness for 2012!

Many of us make New Year resolutions with a focus on improving our health and well-being.   It’s easy to talk about getting fit however; trying to find the time to exercise can be difficult…let Peak Physical Therapy help!

Despite having a hectic lifestyle, making time for exercise is a necessity if you want to keep your body strong and healthy.  In this month’s Peak Physical Therapy newsletter, we will be discussing the many benefits of staying “in shape” and how to overcome some common barriers to exercise.

What are the Benefits?

Regular exercise can help combat many health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, depression and high blood pressure.  Wouldn’t it be great if you could control these health issues without using medications? Exercises that include stretching, agility and strength training can also result in stronger muscles and increased bone density, which helps to curb bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

Some other major benefits of a regular exercise regimen are:

  • Reduced stress levels
  • Improved sleep quality  
  • Increased energy levels 
  • Boosted self-esteem
  • Reduced body fat
  • Positive affect

How Much Should I Exercise?

The Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health recommended exercising 30 minutes, five to seven times a week to receive benefits.  This may seem like a big commitment, but once you fit your routine into your schedule, you will wonder how you lived without it!  The team at Peak can help you achieve this positive lifestyle change.

Are There Any Risks in Exercising Regularly?

The benefits of exercise far outweigh the risks for most people.  Small risks exist for some people with specific health conditions, which is why it is always important to consult with your doctor and your Peak Physical Therapy team before starting a new exercise regimen.  We welcome questions and will help design an individualized program for YOU. 

How Do I Find an Exercise Regimen that is Right for Me?

Exercise initiatives are being made throughout community groups, within the workplace, local schools and even through insurance providers.  There are so many healthy lifestyle options available!

As you consider the right exercise program for you in 2012, it is important to work with your Peak Physical Therapy physiotherapist in developing an exercise regimen that best fits your needs

Not only will your physiotherapist be able to help you decide which exercises are best for you, they will assist in creating an exercise program that fits into your busy schedule.  You will quickly start to see the benefits of making the time for a healthier you! We at Peak Physical Therapy wish you a healthy 2012 and we are happy to discuss any questions you have about ensuring you set up an appropriate exercise routine for you.

Way To Go Physio!

New research published in Annals of Internal Medicine shows that two sessions with a physiotherapist for education, home exercise, and postural advice relieves neck pain more effectively than relying on pain medication and just as effectively as 12 weeks of treatment with a chiropractor.

The group receiving physiotherapy also showed the greatest changes in cervical spine range of motion. These positive results, along with the small number of treatment sessions, shows that physiotherapy also has the potential for cost savings over other popular interventions. Pain relief, improved range of motion, and potential cost-savings - speak to your Peak Physical Therapy team to find out how we can help you! 

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