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Peak Physical Therapy
Helping you every step of the way


We hope you are having a great day!

With the slippery and snowy weather upon us, you may notice that your ankles get quite the work out, and this can lead to aches and pains.  Have you ever had an ankle sprain?  Does it still give you trouble from time to time?  Read below for tips on how to best deal with an ankle sprain if it happens, or has happened to you.

 What to Do About An Ankle Sprain?

Ouch!- When you first sprain your ankle, often the last thing you want to do is move it for any reason.  What to do?  Follow the PRICE principals (Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) to help control the initial swelling and damage.  Then see your Peak physiotherapist to help you get back to your usual self, faster.  Most people find that this process helps you feel better faster than letting the injury heal on its own. 

Early Intervention Helps-  It’s tempting to just try to wait out the injury and only seek out physiotherapy if the pain persists.  While this works for many people and can be appropriate in the early stages of recovery, nearly a third of people continue to have pain or other symptoms long after the initial injury.  In fact, sprains seem to cause about 13% of all cases of arthritis that arise from an injury, so the effects of avoiding treatment early on can be quite long lasting.

A recent study compared those receiving physiotherapy compared those self-treating at home: those who underwent physiotherapy had a much better recovery at six weeks and at three months.  Those who recieved physiotherapy returned to work faster, had better range of motion, their balance was better, and they had much less pain.

  What to Expect-  What is the biggest benefit of having a Peak physiotherapist evaluate your ankle sprain?  We can figure out what was damaged and let you know what to do about it!  When you sprain an ankle, you don't just strain a muscle or sprain a ligament... you can damage delicate nerves, decrease joint movement and reduce your balance.  Your physiotherapist will figure out your treatment plan and address all of the areas that need attention.

An Ounce of Prevention-  With receiving proper care from your Peak physiotherapist, you’ll feel better  faster and you will prevent future injuries.  A proper strength and balance program will ensure that all of your tissues are back in harmony and will help you return to your favorite activities safely, and with piece of mind.

See you Peak physiotherapist during the early stages of an ankle sprain to help you get back on your feet more quickly, experience less pain, and help you prevent a future injuries. For prevention work or for treatment of an ankle sprain, whether new or old, contact your Peak physiotherapist to determine an appropriate treatment plan.

Click here to read more in our Ankle Sprain and Instability patient guide.



Also, in the past month we have added the following new patient guides to our website:

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