Upcoming Events
Intro to Poling:
Nordic Pole walking is a low impact, cardio exercise that provides loads of health benefits including engaging more muscles and taking some load off hips and knees.
Our intro class is FREE and goes through basic techniques and test out poles if you don't have any.
Next classes spring 2023- watch for details here and on our social media pages.
Call 403-328-7325 to register
If you are looking to get outdoors, meet other walking enthusiasts, and get more active, our Nordic Pole Walking CLUB may be for YOU!
The club runs from the beginning of May to the beginning of October (weather dependant). We travel around to various parks/pathways in the Lethbridge area so that you get a chance to practice your pole walking technique on different routes and terrains with varying difficulties.
During the club we will:
- Perfect your pole walking technique
- Teach you how to properly warm-up and cool-down
- Go over some strengthening exercises you can do with your poles
- Give you tips on proper hydration and nutrition for your longer poling sessions
We will be running two different classes, based on difficulty level - Rehabilitation Class and Fitness Class
Rehabilitation Class
Held at a slower pace and an overall shorter distance, this class will be appropriate for any individual who may be dealing with a health condition, recovering from an injury, or who feels unable to walk at a quick pace.
Fitness Class
This class is structured to challenge participants' speed, endurance and duration of walks. There will be a gradual progression of overall walking distance and duration of the classes, as well we be eventually be tackling more difficult terrain, including hills and coulees.
Important Information
- Both classes will include instruction on Pole Walking Technique; no past experience is required, although it is recommended that you attend one of our Intro sessions
- Both classes will meet at the same location each There will be a separate instructor for each group
- If you are unsure of which group to join, please speak to one of the instructors,
Watch for upcoming dates, times and prices